
发表日期:2023-12-09 16:57:36 | 作者: 作者: | 电话:170-6309-7212 | 累计浏览:0

广州家教一对一上门辅导收费10 本人在欧美外企工作多年,擅长英文口语,可以辅导学生英文学习,打好基础,培训学习兴趣.本人在中学时得过奥数国家二等奖,也可以胜任小学生数学辅导.本人对教学非常有耐心,必定可以为小学尽心尽力辅导,为家人省心! I have been working In foreign companies for many years, so I am a little bit good at oral English,!I can teach elementary school students on English learning and lay a solid foundation, training interest in learning. I had 奥数 national second prize in high school, so I am able to competent for primary school mathematics tutoring.I am very patient to the teaching, will certainly be able to do my best for the primary school guidance for your family!Please kindly contact me if you need my help ! 广州家教一对一上门辅导收费专职家教男李生

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